Author: Rajeev Singla

We are pleased to inform you that the renowned Neuropharmacologist, Dr. Ghulam Md. Ashraf from Saudi Arabia has kindly agreed to join us as an Associate Editor. He needs no introduction with an highly established profile, some of which are as below: Academic Editor (PLoS One) Section Editor (Current Neuropharmacology) Editorial Board Member (Journal of Proteomics) Senior Editorial Board Member (Scientific Reports) Editor Board Member (Neural Regeneration Research) Editorial Board Member (Current Protein & Peptide Science) He has published more than 250 articles with an H-index Google Scholar of 30 and i10 index Google Scholar- 103. According to Web of…

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Congratulations Authors, Reviewers and Editors, A Big News to Share. Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is now indexed and abstracted in the largest database of China, CNKI. This will be a big boost up for the journal to have more international audience and improve the readability of the published articles. Thank you all for your efforts in constantly improving and strengthening of the journal.   Regards, Dr. Rajeev K. Singla Founder and Editor-in-Chief

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Dear All, We are very pleased to inform you all that Prof. (Dr.) Lucindo Quintans Junior is now associated with Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences as Associate Editor. He is presently working with Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil and published more than 400 publications. Scopus documented his 287 articles as Author with h-Index of 36 and total citations as 4735. We welcome Prof. (Dr.) Lucindo in the family of Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and we are pretty sure that his guidance will help us to improve and serve the science in better way. Regards Dr. Rajeev…

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We are pleased to inform you all the Dr. Bijo Mathew has been appointed as Regional Editor, India in Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. His details have been updated at Biography of Dr. Bijo Mathew: Dr. Bijo Mathew is associate professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Ahalia School of Pharmacy, Palakkad, India. Dr. Bijo Mathew obtained his M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Tamilnadu, India in 2008 and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India in 2016. His main research interest is on the design of enzyme inhibitors, and especially monoamine…

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With the ongoing pandemic COVID-19, WHO has confirmed 3 018 681 cases worldwide [1]. COVID-19 manifests with a wide clinical spectrum ranging from asymptomatic patients to septic shock and multiorgan dysfunction. Hence bringing COVID-10 to a terminal point has been a major challenge for researchers and clinicians. We have thus taken this opportunity to project and highlight articles on COVID-19 conveying our interest in both drug and vaccine discovery. Articles may range from original, reviews, mini reviews, case studies, perspectives and opinion articles. In order to make the COVID-19 related information available on early basis, we will ensure authors a…

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Reviewers are the building blocks in backbone for any journal and quality of any journal primarily depends upon the quality time invested by the reviewers and editors to check the research and review articles. Publons which is a part of Web of Science Group (A Clarivate Analytics Company) have initiated the recognition to the reviewers by giving them a verified reviewer record. This not only help the reviewers to build up their profile, but it is indeed a score card for the journal too. Since January, 2019, 23 reviewers of Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences have forwarded our thanks…

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It is really disheartening to realize that many authors don’t take the reviewer’s observations in a constructive way. Most of the authors had a perception that just submit the article in a journal like ours (Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and you will directly get an acceptance mail in a quick shot. Though this is not true for all the authors. There are many authors who respond properly. But guys, we (everyone) should respect the peer review process and it is not only improving our article quality, but it is also important for the readers in our scientific society.…

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